The best Mary we have

The Philippines loves Mama Mary, the country’s Patroness. There are a number of reasons why this is so but one of the most compelling may be the matriarchal culture of our society. So it is not surprising that we celebrate Mama Mary’s birthday, Sept 8, like we do with our own moms’ birthdays. In fact, although there may be some objections to this idea, moms’ birthdays seem to be celebrated than dads’. This should not be surprising for a matriarchal society where so much of domestic decision is waived by to the man of the house in favor of the woman. If this sounds like an admission then I should say, I am proud to do so.

In today’s world there are only a handful of societies that are matriarchal, a fact that is highly noticeable by visitors from other cultures especially the West. Why it came to be is a subject of wide debate but quite a few may agree that it is because most Filipinos are deeply Catholic and religious. And, perhaps, it is because Filipino families identify with the Holy Family in Nazareth. It may be said with humor that Filipino men prefer to keep quiet because the Holy Patriarch, St. Joseph, did not have a single recorded word in the Holy Bible. He was a man who did his duties quietly but devotedly. Mary on the other hand did speak but when she did so, it was of utmost importance.Such as to proclaim God’s mission for her in the Magnificat or to help with the depleting wine supply during the wedding feast at Cana. It was there in Cana that Mary exhibited the strong influence a mother has on the family. Even if it wasn’t time for our Lord Jesus to come forth, Mary prevailed upon Him to perform the miracle of the wine.

Isn’t it that our own mothers prevail on usthe same wayand whatever they say is final. This is because anything they ask for is never for themselves but for the good of others. Who can say no to such selflessness? And that is what mothers are, selfless. Anything they need for themselves they do last because anything the others need always come first. The world is a better place because of mothers.And in all mothers we see the greatest of them all, Mary, who loves us and cares for us like no other. Jesus can attest to that and it is a comforting thought.

This September 8 we celebrate and honor Mary and the best way to do so is call her Mother with great affection. Let us be good children so she will see her Son, Jesus, in all of us. As we honor Mary on her birthday let us also honor our own mothers, the image of Mary in our homes.

History tells us that whenever the nobility, the princes or royals celebrate their birthdays and anniversaries, they freely dispense their favors and liberalities.  On the birthday of our Blessed Mother, who always mediates on our behalf, perhaps, this very special day as we bring our prayers to her, the Lord, her Son Jesus will surely be inclined to receive His Mother’s recommendations and petitions.  Let us fly to our Mother then!

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