Robur Pacis Veritas

It was a quite significant symbol one of our former Apostolic Nuncios (Mons. Antonio Moreni) gave me, a medal depicting Jesus talking to Peter with the above inscription in Latin—Robur Pacis Veritas (the meaning of which is: The strength of peace lies in the truth).

You get to know the truth by being open to education in the various fields and aspects of reality. When there is oppression forbidding such openness to truth or reality, then ignorance and violence reigns. After all, truth is identical to reality. You have that in the study of Metaphysics.
Besides, when people deceive others, they only show part of the truth, not the whole truth. That is why it is said: a lie is a half-truth. Just like a deceptive salesman who shows a good product without telling you of a defective part. And the Bible tells us: “The devil is a murderer and the father of lies” (Jn. 8:44).

St. Edith Stein, a Carmelite and Jewish convert to Catholicism, a co-patroness of Europe said some striking words: “He who seeks the truth, seeks God, whether he is aware of it or not.” That’s it. We only need to be sincere in our dialogues and quest for the truth, doing away with pride and greed so we may arrive at the “splendor of truth” and the “strength of peace which lies in the truth.”

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