Pope: Condemn Terrorism

VIOLENCE — Pope Francis said that equating Islam with violence is WRONG. But to help dispel this stereotype, he called on Muslims to issue a global condemnation of terrorism. Locally, this call can be directed at some Islamists who tend to remain quiet –or even justify — some terroristic incidents.
ALL VICTIMS — In some incidents, victims of terrorism include Muslims. A bomb explosion does not distinguish whether one is Christian, a Muslim or a lumad. The only problem is that the suspected bombers are Muslims, hence the stereotype that must be dispelled. There must be social cohesion amongst us even in the midst of diversity.
TROUBLED AREAS — The stereotype against Muslims is also worsened by the events happening in the world. War, conflict and violence are usually in Islamic areas and communities. Yes, there’s a lot of work to be done to repair this image. Remember: islam literally means “peace”.
GOING FEDERAL — The federal summit in Davao City a few days ago is making waves nationally. Now people are starting to realize that what ails this country is not only due to our bad leaders. It is also about the unitary system where everything is centered in Imperial Manila. So, changing of leaders during elections is not enough. We must also change the system of governance. A federal set-up may be the solution.
TRANSFORMATION — Another movement that is seeking systemic changes is the group called NATIONAL TRANSFORMATION COMMISSION. It is not seeking change of leaders only. It is seeking for immediate transformation and calling the national leadership to consider stepping down to start an early peaceful upheaval for meaningful change in the country. It seems the national environment is now facing serious challenges. And people are becoming despondent. And angrier!
MACHINES TAKING OVER — “Technologies, as extensions of man, numb all senses” according to publicist Marshall McLuhan. In our hi-tech age, we allow machines to take over our lives. The human touch is now missing. I’m SAD.

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