Resurrection easter sunday

Feast of feasts

ResurrectionThe joy of Easter is manifest even weeks before the Easter Triduum. Parents accompany their children who play the role of angels for the “Sugat”. Women organizations are tapped to decorate the “Santo Entiero” and the place for the vigil for the “Visita Iglesia” where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. Youth and adults from different sectors like drivers, farmers, teachers and the like look forward to wearing the vestments of the apostles during the “Washing of the Feet” and the “Via Crucis”. Servers from altar boys to lay ministers, readers and choir coordinate for the festive celebration of the Easter Vigil.

“Therefore Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the Feast of feasts, the Solemnity of solemnities, just as the Eucharist is the Sacrament of sacraments (the Great Sacrament)” (CCC 1169).

As we joyfully celebrate our faith in Jesus who is truly risen, let us become signs of God’s joy in our midst. Like the first disciples, we need to witness the joy of being loved and saved through our characters and attitudes wherever we go and whatever we do. Ang buhay ng Kristiyano ay masayang tunay.

Happy Easter!

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