Ideas towards Progress

TRULY was it said: Ideae regunt mundum—a Latin expression that translates: “It is ideas that rule the world.”

Cultures are constituted from traditional ideas. But since some ideas are self-destructive, so some cultures too tend to retrograde, such as those based on revenge, pride, hatred, judgmental attitudes.

But ideas based on love, humility, compassion, service, and understanding tend towards progress and in the long run will constitute a culture of peace and progress.

The ideas propagated by our Lord Jesus Christ make a person happy all his/her life since it makes one accept the trials and difficulties of life with love, patience and sacrifice.

Such was the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the happiest person there ever was—the Living Word made flesh that all who follow His teachings and way of life may encounter the divine truth behind life’s multifarious events and challenges. For He is “the Light of the world; the one who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have light and life” (Jn. 8 :12).

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