Pedagogy of the cross

In a Herald column in 2005 I wrote about the seeming absence of the cross in our social, economic, political, cultural, and even religious life in this country. To this absence I attribute one strong reason why the process has become ineffective. There is need therefore to begin re-examining this process.

One area to be given a thorough re-examination is the Season of Lent. It is here where the values arising from the cross abound. This period of forty days, popularly known as Cuaresma (Quadragessima in Latin), is designed to prepare Catholics for meaningful and fruitful celebration of Semana Santa or Holy Week. It is the traditional teaching of the Church that the process of personal and social transformation happens or culminates during this week.

The correct meaning and fruitfulness of Holy Week celebration basically focuses on the paschal mystery which is the Passion, Death and Resurrection Jesus Christ. These divine mysteries are recalled in the sacred liturgy of Holy Week. Because of its power to effect change in the individual person and consequently in the community, the Second Vatican Council defines Sacred Liturgy as the “source and summit of Christian life.”

In focusing then our re-examination on the Lenten observances, we should look into four activities which characterize this period. They are intense prayer, intense meditation/reflection on Sacred Scriptures, fasting and abstinence, and charitable works. It might help us to review the Alay Kapwa Evangelization Program which had been created and promoted nationwide since 1966 by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines through the National Secretariat for Social Action (NASSA) under the leadership of Bishop Julio Labayen. Sadly, the financial aspect remains while the evangelizing/pastoral component of the programs has been forgotten.

It is relevant and urgent that we re-examine the meaning of fasting and abstinence, the difference between fasting and hunger strike, between self-immolation and suicide bombing. In this age of social protests and terrorism the correct and clear understanding of these practices would surely benefit everyone even those not of our faith. I would add also that the explanation of the difference between the Christian and Islamic teachings on fasting and jihad would certainly be of help, and also the difference between passive and active non-violence.

A pedagogy of the cross is certainly needed and urgently so, in our country today. This pedagogy should derive its inspiration from St. John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic, doctor of the Church, and master in the process of conversion and union with God. The Spanish equivalent of the name “Juan de la Cruz” has been used by historians to portray the typical poor Filipino. The pedagogy of the cross therefore should include a historical reference to the origin of the name and its deeper meaning and crucial challenge especially to the millions of Juan de la Cruz.

Faithfully lived and clearly understood in the light of faith, this pedagogy would make a difference in our understanding of the cross of Christ particularly when we are experiencing excruciating pain and suffering. For, as I wrote also previously, nothing and no one matures to perfection without pain or something similar to pain.

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