Saludo sa mga Ulirang Ina: Moms & the Mother Church

What a grace for a woman to be chosen to be a mother to rear God’s children! A mother is a child’s first teacher. The lesson or lessons a child learns from her has a lasting impact. It is a natural instinct of a mother to provide and to protect her child even at the expense of herself. It seems enough for her to see her child happy.

Christian Glomar Coronado of San Miguel Parish, Panacan said that his catechist mother became his guidepost, as he was also led to the service of the Church.

Seminarian John Kense Tomales of Our Lady of Fatima GKK in Bangkal shared that his mom taught him basic prayers. He realized that, “parents must provide for the spiritual and bodily welfare of their children.”

A fresh college graduate of PWC Eunice Saco felt so blessed, “for having a mother who is a Marian devotee.” She added: “My mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.”

Mother’s Day is a special day for them.

Let’s take time then to reflect on what our mothers have done for us. It is a time to thank them and to make them feel their worth. Yes, our mothers are also human beings like us their children, yet when we are able to look beyond their frailties, we can understand their struggles at helping us become the kind of persons that God wants us to be.

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