There are more things that unite us than those that divide us

The Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) divides us bishops, priests, and lay faithful. The divide has become emotional. The legal issues have turned personal. One’s conviction and option are being falsely, if not maliciously, attributed to “bribery” of some form or some coercive factor. This is hurting and uncharitable. As a result, people, Church people especially, have given up searching for the truth, and have overlooked the way to discover the unifying truth.

We are overlooking the fact that there are many more things that unite us. If we can decide now to meet, especially we religious leaders, on issues we already agree, then we can with respect and humility, examine our differences and find the truth. Once discovered, it should be easy to forge a common stand.

But even if it is taking us long to find the truth or ultimately fail, our public gathering especially as religious leaders, will surely have an impact on the people. It will somehow assure them that trouble can be avoided. We have done this before.

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