Prison awareness week

Prison Awareness Week

Prison awareness weekThe Church from October 18-25, 2015 observes the 28th Prison Awareness Week with the theme: “Lord, grant that I may see you more clearly, love you more dearly in the poor, and follow you more nearly…”

It reminds each one of us that it is only with prayer that we can properly respond to Jesus’ call.

He says “I was in prison and you came to me (Mt 25:36).” When do we see Jesus in prison? He says that “whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me (Mt 25:43).”

Regardless of the reasons that put our brothers and sisters in prison, each one of us is called to love our neighbor. This is the second commandment that Jesus gave. John 14:15 says that if we love God, we keep his Commandments.

We are all called to step forward and show them our brotherly or sisterly concern and love for them. Some of them are forgotten, indigent, sick and old.

Jesus is in each one of us. May we bring him to our brothers and sisters behind the prison walls. Jesus is in them, too.

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