
A kid with a pure heart is honest with himself or herself, his/her family, his/her friends, and to all others.

Jean accidentally dropped her Mom’s cell phone and the screen broke. She went to Mom and said, “Mommy, I’m sorry. I dropped your cell phone and it broke.”

A kid with a pure heart has clear and good intentions.

Donnie saw a young beggar on his way to school. He had some snacks in his bag. He thought, “I had a big breakfast this morning. I can share with him my snacks for he needs it more than I do.” He approached the hungry beggar and gave him his snacks with a smile.

A kid with a pure heart is simple and modest.

Jennie was going to Church with her family. She remembered how Mama Mary was dressed in their last visit. Her dress was long. She smiled because today she wore a simple dress with sleeves and a hem that covers her knees.

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