Satan, the father of lies

Christian philosophy tells us that no information enters the intellect without passing through the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. ‎This is expressed in the Latin saying, NIHIL IN INTELLECTU NISI PRIUS IN SENSU.

But St. John of the Cross, a Carmelite mystic and doctor of the Church of the 16th century, says Satan because it is a spirit can enter into our spirit, into our intellect, without passing through the five senses. Good angels and bad angels known as demons or devils whose head Lucifer is also known as Satan have no gender. So let’s use a HE when referring to this spiritual being.

Satan is known in the Scriptures and in Christian history as the Father of Lies. ‎This means that inside our intellect he makes bad and evil ideas appear good and pleasing. Then without realizing the deception due to lack of spiritual discernment we believe, live and share these ideas as truth. There are current examples.

One example is the fallacy, “The end justifies the means”. This means that whatever works‎ is fine even if it is illegal and immoral. So killing, raping, vulgarity, indecency, etc. are okay as long as they serve a purpose which one perceive as good, useful, and convenient. One effect of this deceptive mentality is the loss of the sense of shame. As a consequence one’s conscience gets callused and numbed. The worst effect is ‎loss of the sense sin and evil. This is the victory of Satan! Evil seems to triumph over goodness.

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