Unquenchable Longing

In this closing season of Easter, we shift our attention once again to the Risen Christ, praying that we live our heroic intimacy with Him in the power of the Spirit of Pentecost. We also intensify the yearning for deeper awareness of our new life nourished by the Eucharist, Jesus’ self-gift of Eternal Love to us (Jn. 13:15), His brothers and sisters redeemed by His Precious Blood, adopted sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father.

Surrounded with multifarious love-encounters and romance-ridden dramas in the world, we may overlook the greatest Love Story that keeps going on for ages and invites us to contemplate the awesome indwelling of the Holy Trinity—Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier—drawing us closer to our destined Home in the New Heavens, and providing the Living Bread for our hungry souls’ desire for eternal union.

This perfect love of the Paschal Lamb sparks a total trust and surrender to the eye of our affection, urging us further to open our hearts to the poor and needy as He did, and to die to our pride and self-centeredness in order to rise anew to Jesus’ apostolic way of loving.

May the gaze of love of Jesus simplify our view of the complicated events of life and keep awake the unquenchable longing for that Greatest Love of all so that we may witness to His loving memory in the breaking of the bread (Lk. 22:19). Overwhelmed by the magnetic touch of the Spirit, may we grow to become His Heart and Hands that touch other hearts with Jesus’ undying mercy and compassion.

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