Moral Blinders

It is said that when people cannot see the whole of reality their eyesight has blinders. So it has happened that a politician promised to kill criminals to protect the people, but at the same time his behavior went against the law of due process and, worse, ridiculed the religious feelings of the people. They believed and applauded the politician and simply ignored his violation of law and of their religious faith in God’s commandment ‘Thou shall not kill’.

The people who acted thus toward the politician are said to have moral blinders in regard to what is right and wrong. This is also referred to as a defect in the people’s moral judgment expressed in ‘The end justifies the means’ or in the error of situation ethics.
This sad condition of the people’s thinking process is a defect in the formation of their conscience which begins in the home and school under the guidance of parents and teachers. The Church must now reexamine her moral education and strengthen it.

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