Can a mother forget her baby?

CARICATURE FOR NEW YEARToday, we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. As the oldest feast of Mary, her motherhood gained for her the privileges of Immaculate Conception and Assumption into heaven.

A mother always looks for the welfare of her children. Have you taken your meals, did you have enough sleep, what else do you need? These are a few of the usual questions we hear from a caring mother.

Mary, our Mother cannot close her eyes on us. In her many apparitions, she exhorts us to pray the rosary, repent of our sins and work for peace. The joy of the mother is not only to provide for the material well-being of her child but also to bring her child up with moral values.

Are you willing not only to listen to our Mother but to do what she tells you? Can you give yourself in humble trust to her loving care?

Mama Mary, pray for us!

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