Arvin Serra with family & pets (AFS CREATIVE STUDIO) Arvin Serra with family & pets (AFS CREATIVE STUDIO)

Pet-ibig: God’s Expression of Love through Pets

Arvin Serra with family & pets (AFS CREATIVE STUDIO)

Arvin Serra with family & pets (AFS CREATIVE STUDIO)

Ah, LOVE…such a beautiful yet complex phenomenon.

With so many ways to express and define love, the world never really has the right formula to explain it. Knowing how to define love is one thing but knowing where to find love is another greater thing to ponder on. The world is actually abundant with love but so often we overlook the fact that love is in the earth itself and the creatures that inhabit it. We get so caught up in our daily circumstances that we forget God’s omnipresence. If we look hard enough we will realize that God is everywhere and that God’s love surrounds us even in the form of the creatures that He has made for us.

Let us remember that before Adam had Eve, he was accompanied by the creatures that God had created. Adam was so busy giving them names, caring for them and them reciprocating the care Adam gave. But have we ever wondered why God created the animals before men? As we remember in the book of Genesis, it was in the fifth and sixth day that God created the fowls of the air, the fishes of the sea and the beasts of the earth. Then God created man in His own image. Could we possibly say that the animals were significantly created before man to serve a special purpose? I like to believe that God meticulously prepared earth and the animals for the birth of man, just like a father to his son who wakes up early to prepare him a meal.

True enough, love is everywhere. There is love when the first rays of the sun kiss the early morning sky, a symbol of renewed hope like God. There is love between siblings who argue but learn the beauty of forgiveness. All the more, there is love in the creatures that God created before us from a silent little fish, to a quiet pretty dove, or a loud and playful dog. These days, we know these creatures better because they are our “pets”. They are here to help us go through our lives and prepare us for God’s purpose. So that when we feel alone and it feels as though no one loves us, we would have someone.

I myself am a living testimony of seeing God’s love in the form of my beloved pet dog. It is the tenderness of their eyes that understands us even when we say nothing, the warmth of their presence that comforts us just at the right moments. It is a pet’s unconditional love and joy of seeing and being with us even after a long weekend away from them that reminds us perfectly of God’s love for us, hopeful, forgiving, understanding, warm, comforting and most of all, unconditional.

Nowadays, having a pet means having your own personal confidant who has sworn to secrecy about everything you tell them, like God. God’s presence in our pets is magnified so well that sometimes we take for granted the little things that our pets do for us, the way we sometimes undervalue the blessings that God gives us. I for one know that my little dog has emotions that replicate my own. When I’m happy and full of life, it shows in the happy wagging of her little tail that she too is happy that I am happy. When I am sad, she often comes to comfort me with her little cuddles. When I’m tired she barks around like a mad man just to distract me so I end up laughing at her cuteness.

It’s really great to know that our pets also help shape who we are, like what God does for us. The way we handle them, the way we look after them, the way we love them says much about who we are as a person. Our pets help us to be a better human for them. This is like what God is doing to us, He tests us with the challenges in life and in the end these challenges help us become the better version of our selves. For instance, taking my dog out for a walk often helps me meditate on God’s work in me and usually leaves me exhilarated and hopeful about life. Their company subtly reminds us that we are never alone and when all else fails we can always rely on them-and on God to make us feel better.

We even hear from the news and social media the heroic acts our pets do, boldly risking their lives to save ours. The greatest expression of their unconditional love is through their loyalty. Despite the numerous times we hurt or punish them they never leave nor forsake us. This reminds us beautifully of God’s love for us; that He once gave His life up on Calvary’s tree to save the wretched and unclean people that we are. Regardless of the shamefully countless times that we despise Him and take Him for granted, there is He still faithful and true to His promises.

Heedless of how ugly and hopeless our future may seem, and how desperately alone and unloved we feel, think again. Stop and try to look around. Acknowledge the pleasant existence of the beautiful and amazing pets God has given to us. They are made to help us see that the world isn’t that gruesome after all. They are made to let us hope for a better future, a better person. They may live in this world for only a short span of time, but with our love and respect they will live it well and full because they live it with us. What better way to emanate the greatness of God’s love that is found in our pets than to go and find and own a pet! We are never alone, not with God and with a pet! (Thessaloe May B. Fernandez)

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