Fathers' day stock

A Letter to Fathers

Fathers' dayDear Fathers, today is our day.

We are reminded of our responsibilities towards our families for they depend on us so much, especially on the account of formative love that we receive daily from our life of prayer and from the Church.

In renewing our awareness of our responsibility today, let us strive further to be more loving to the point of suffering as this is grace in reality. We deepen and purify ourselves as we will be embraced by the creative love of God. This is the only way to be a joyful father and to achieve a better version of ourselves.

There will be a lot of contradictions in life, but then again, these pinpricks little by little bring us to perfection as we become truly worthy of a human person.

A life without struggle is a barren life. Never think that being a father is insignificant. God gave us a task to help raise families whose ultimate desire is eternity — being with God. Never think that God is a threat or rival to our freedom. He is Freedom himself.

Therefore, continue to foster increasingly a life with God and He will take care of the rest. At the end of all this, like the Saints, we will be able to comprehend the greatness of grace. That all the while, God has been accompanying us through all this.

Let us go to the Blessed Mother for surely she will lead us to her Son.

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