editorial Prisoners are our Family

Prisoners are our Family

editorial Prisoners are our FamilyIn a way, being imprisoned is a badge of honor and sacrifice. The Old Testament mentions the prophet Daniel, Azariah, Hannaniah and Mishael as those who endured prison terror and pain rather than renouncing their faith. The New Testament narrates the ordeals of Jesus Christ and later of the disciples starting with St. Peter who after being failed in Rome, was murdered.

The 19th century records mention those who were imprisoned; some survived like Polish Cardinal Midzenty who for 22 years took asylum in the United States Embassy in Warsaw, others did not, like Fr. Kobe and San Teresa de Benedicta. Very few are involved in the prison apostolate. Nobody wants to visit a prison. There could be a jail break and you could be a hostage; you could get Tuberculosis and other diseases.

Yet the message of Christ is clear, “I did not come for the righteous; I came to save the sinners.” “Come” means we should remember, pray and do something for the prisoners. Prayers and comforting words are good, but actions are more visible and self-fulfilling. Joining the prison apostolate, visiting jails and bringing food, medicine, clothes create better and tangible results. When a person is convicted and jailed, he does not lose his religion. We remember the dead on November 1 and 2. We should show compassion and love to prisoners by words and more important, by deeds on prison awareness week.

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