New Year’s Resolution

Another year has passed and we have so much to be thankful for. Last year’s blessings and challenges made us a better person. For us mothers, there were a lot of milestones that we witnessed in the lives of our children and in our family as a whole.

As we welcome the year 2018, may we be guided by the following new year’s resolution shared by Megan Breedlove in her website

10 New Year’s Resolution for Christian Moms

This year, with God’s help, I resolve:

  1. to make spending time with God a priority and to let my children see me spending time with Him;
  2. to teach my children about God, his ways and His love for them;
  3. to treat my children with respect and love, and to have their best interest at heart;
  4. to apologize to my children when I wrong them;
  5. to allow myself the grace to be imperfect and to stop beating myself up over my imperfections;
  6. to rejoice in the mom God made me to be and to stop comparing myself to any other mom;
  7. to play more with my children;
  8. to show my children they are important to me by making time for them;
  9. to work on strengthening my relationship with my husband (if I’m married);
  10. and to love my children more than life itself and to make sure they know it.

Happy New Year to all mothers out there! Let us continue to seek the guidance of Mama Mary in everything that we are going to do for our family this year. May we also ask the Lord Jesus to be with us always through the ups and downs of life. Let us be hopeful that blessing be poured unto us all throughout this year 2018.

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