editorial world day of the sick

World Day of the Sick

editorial world day of the sickIn 1992, Pope John Paul II designated February 11 as World Day of the Sick. It is a day of prayer for our sick brethren hoping that the Church may achieve salvation.

Today, Pope Francis reflects on the Gospel of John 19:26-27. Mother Mary cares for her children materially and spiritually. John, a figure of the Church is called to take Mary to his home, a mother capable of loving as Jesus commands. We, the Church, are called to show the love of Jesus which excludes no one, especially those who suffer in many ways.

Pope Francis writes: “In countries where adequate public health care systems exist, the work of Catholic religious congregations and dioceses and their hospitals is aimed not only at providing quality medical care, but also at putting the human person at the centre of the healing process, while carrying out scientific research with full respect for life and for Christian moral values. In countries where health care systems are inadequate or non-existent, the Church seeks to do what she can to improve health, eliminate infant mortality and combat widespread disease.”

Mater Ecclesiae: “Behold, your son… Behold, your mother. And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.”

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