Category Archives: Insights

Berto checked his watch. “I could try one more round before it gets too hot. Who knows if I’m lucky enough to get at least one or two customers.” He made a U-turn and entered the subdivision gates again. “Haaa-saaa!” Berto slowly bellowed so it would be...

Swaddling clothes!” These words never cease to strike awe and wonder in me every Christmas. My first memory-engraving episode happened on the day of our First Holy Communion on the 8th of December. My companions and I were all restlessly seated as we tried not to...

In the Office of Readings of Wednesday in the First Week of Advent, we read St. Bernard Abbot’s reflection on the “Three Advents”. He says that “the coming of the Lord is threefold: the third coming is between the other two and it is not...

It may be a matter of time when the word ‘Christmas’ disappears from our vocabulary and remain as an unused etymological artifact in Wikipedia or some obscure digital bin. This may sound hard to believe, but some first world countries are investing serious efforts to redefine...

THE violence that has killed over a hundred innocent people in France has also left millions the world over deeply wounded! As I continue to follow the news, I could not help but feel a tinge of bitterness and helplessness about the wave of terrorism...

We’ve done it again! The Philippines has once more hit the global trending limelight as it becomes a ‘Twitter worldwide phenomenon’ with ALDUB! BBC called it “The Most Popular Show You Have Never Heard Of” because it’s more popular in the Philippines than any other...

“No one wants to be a loser, Father!” exclaimed the boy wearing his spanking-new baseball uniform. “That is what everyone wants,” I nodded. “That’s why I have to train to be a real good batter like my brother!” he ambitiously added. “With that answer, I suppose you’re not...