Category Archives: Diocese of Mati

The Diocese of Mati Celebrated the 2024 Mindanao Week of Peace emphasizing the critical importance of sustaining the progress achieved through years of peacebuilding efforts. To build on these gains, actionable initiatives that foster understanding and collaboration across religions and cultures were proposed, highlighting the...

[gallery link="file" columns="2" size="full" ids="46755,46756"] Uban sa tema nga, "Usa ka Simbahan: Usa ka Misyon uban ni Birheng Maria diha sa Panaw sa Paglaum ug Kaluwasan", malampusong gisaulog sa parokya sa Immaculada Concepcion sa Baganga, Davao Oriental ang ika-139 nga kapistahan uban sa pagpahigayon sa Episcopal...

[gallery link="file" size="full" ids="46649,46650,46651,46652"] On the Solemnity of Christ the King, the MBMG members joyfully celebrated their annual gathering with the theme, "Celebrating the Year of Prayer: Renewing and Rejoicing". It was attended by 372 members with Rev. Fr. Ricky D. Siblos, DCM, (Chaplain), Rev Fr....

[gallery columns="2" link="file" size="full" ids="46551,46552"] The Charismatic communities in the Diocese of Mati convened on November 16, to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service at St. Therese Gym, Clergy House Compound, City of Mati. With a theme "The Holy Spirit Unites Us: A...