Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday, Ash Wednesday signals the beginning of a new liturgical season called Lent. Ash, as a Sacramental is used to excite good thoughts regarding our ultimate destiny with God, thus making ourselves well-disposed in absorbing the Church’s teaching in helping us grow in love, ever closer to God.

It is also notable in this season to ponder the “last things,” namely, death, judgment, heaven and hell. Think about this, the God of justice and mercy, ever respectful of our freedom, has thought of us even before creation of the world. He has already factored and considered, in the light of Jesus’ sacrifice, our defects and weaknesses in the economy of salvation where we struggle and is assisted by His graces, chiefly from the Sacraments. He simply asks us to be faithful in loving Him and others. Quite a task! But it is His ardent desire. It is His desire to live with us beyond our earthly existence. To choose otherwise is incomprehensible since it is the road to perdition.

When we render an account of our material and spiritual existence on earth, we will be asked, “How much love did we give in our lifetimes?” This is best pondered when ash is imposed on our foreheads. What a powerful reminder!

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