Blessed Virgin Mary, a beauty to behold and to love

Already during Spanish times when most people spoke, or at least understood, the Spanish language, varied Marian devotional forms were already an essential aspect of Filipino life and culture. Such was the love of Filipinos for the mother of Jesus that our people was rightly called in Spanish, “Pueblo amante de Maria”, literally, “People in love with Mary.” Throughout the years, manifestations of this love in many churches, shrines, and associations dedicated to Mary are beautifully presented whose main objective is to renew the people’s in Jesus Christ. To Jesus through Mary, says an old custom.

A very special tribute will, I’m sure, be seen, written, sung and displayed in many places on September 8, her birthday!

One of the beautiful and uncommon tributes to Mary’s beauty was written by the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. He wrote that this extraordinary human female from the Hebrew race and culture is “what every woman wants to be when she looks at herself. She is what every man wants to love when he loves a woman.”

For a woman Mary is a model of inner beauty, of soul and spirit, of character. For man She is the model of what beauty to look for in the woman he wants to love. Being fascinated by beauty one falls in love it. One wants to possess beauty and be possessed by beauty.

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