I Vote Good Photo courtesy I Vote Good Philippines FB Page

Why Will I Vote Good?

As a Catholic Citizen of the Republic of the Philippines, it is not only my duty to vote, but to “vote good.”

“Vote good” means: vote good people. Do not choose candidates who are corrupt and irresponsible. The moral integrity of an elected leader is of prime importance. If they do not have fear of the Lord, what prevents them from abuse of power?

“I vote good” means “I value my vote.” My vote matters. It tells about who I am. If I sell my vote, it means I am not a good person because my action betrays who I really am.

Responsible voting starts with love of country. “Love does not delight in evil” (1 Cor. 13:6); so how can a Catholic citizen choose a candidate who has no love for truth, justice, and the greater welfare of his brother-Filipino?

In order to “vote good,” it follows that we, Catholic citizens, must persevere to understand the issues and what the candidates propose in their platform of governance that addresses those issues.

To “vote good” follows that we should educate ourselves to become “wise voters.” Are you aware of the tricks of “trapos” (traditional politicians)?

If I “vote bad” what will happen? Bad people will lord it over us; instead of serving us, we serve them. They will make themselves rich and powerful at our expense. They will make us suffer more for the price of a little relief. In the end, we are in far worse situation than we bargained for. So, is it worth it? Of course it’s not.

What do you call a man who pays someone to beat him? That’s what you call someone who votes for a robber to rob him. (Fr. Allan Joie Nuñez, D.C.D. | Matanao)

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