
Sacra is a Latin word for Sacred. Mentality means attitude, awareness, sensitivity or simply sense. Put together Sacramentality means attitude towards, awareness of, sensitivity for or sense of, the sacred.‎ There are people then for whom everything, persons or thing, is a sacrament of God’s presence. The original meaning of Sacrament is an outward sign that contains something sacred.

Last week I explained the difference between Sacramentalized and Evangelized. And I put a question mark because I have some doubts about the perception. The reason is because I also observe and perceive that there are sacramentalized persons who are gifted by the Holy Spirit with Sacramentality. They have the sense of the sacred which effects inner transformation. This rarely happens to the evangelizer and the evangelized. The reason is because they find it difficult to combine action and contemplation. Again this is just a perception.

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