good shepherd

Good Shepherd Sunday

good shepherdEach of us plays a role in the Church as priests, Church workers, GKK leaders, faithful, etc. These roles have consequent duties and responsibilities. But regardless of the roles and positions we assume or occupy, occasions to lead or influence another may arise at one time or another. Such opportunities are not limited to the priests or Church leaders or workers but may be presented to any member of the Church. Crisis occurs when the faithful caught in such critical situation is ignorant of his faith or not even aware to whom to turn to for information or help.

So how do we gather the faithful around the Lord? Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me (Jn 10:14).” Hence, on this note, every baptized member of the Church has the responsibility to know his faith, love the God of his faith so that he may be able to serve Him through others.

As we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, let us pray that as shepherds in various capacities in the Church, we can echo the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, he is the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep.

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