
Pentecost Day

pentectostPentecost Day is the fulfillment of a promise made by Jesus. The disciples were told to stay in Jerusalem to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit (Lk. 24:47-49). Moreover, after the Ascension, St. Luke the Evangelist narrated that the disciples returned to Jerusalem with great joy and continually in the temple blessing God (Lk. 24:51-52). Very clearly, by this time, the disciples had more courage, confidence, and understanding of the unfolding drama of salvation history. They eagerly awaited the promise of the Lord in the very city that just weeks passed, crucified their Lord and Master. Now, they fear nobody. They must have known that the Lord would never abandon them until the end of the age (Mt. 28:20).

What about us? As recipients of the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments that we partake, do we really live our calling as Christians? The Church through the centuries has been proclaiming that the Lord never really left us. He always welcomes us, for we belong to Him. Do we reciprocate this with love?

Let us go to the Blessed Mother, just as the disciples gathered around Mary, the Queen of the Apostles, as they all await the descent of the Holy Spirit, as reliably promised by their Master.

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