Independence Day

June 12 is Independence Day. What is its significance for each one of us? You and I enjoy our freedom today because of the heroism of our forebears both men and women, young and old. They fought hard and at the expense of their lives so that you and I and those who will come after us could live in peace. But how elusive peace is! Their hard-earned independence is not just threatened territorially but a more sinister enemy is slowly and furtively eroding the moral fabric of this country.

Are we truly free? Do we have a good grasp of what freedom really means? As Catholic Christians, do we adhere to the teachings of our Church about freedom?

“Freedom”, according to our Catechism, “is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility (1731). “Freedom comes with responsibility. The abuse of freedom leads to degeneration, disaster and decay.

To preserve our national independence goes alongside the preservation of our dignity as a people. Freedom that abuses rights of individuals is no freedom at all but a slavery to sin. True freedom only exists when it serves what is good and just.

To be truly independent our nation has to be founded on love, mercy and justice.

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