Our Inborn Goodness

Among the macro and micro marvels in creation the most marvelous is the human being which scientists, philosophers, and poets call the Crown of Creation. To them it is beauty of the human structure crowns this handiwork of the Creator.

To theologians, mystics, and spiritual writers the reason for the marvelous beauty of the human being is its inner goodness because his spirit was created in the image of God the pure, formless, uncreated spirit. This inborn goodness is the source of its power to become godly like the Creator. This will depend on human formation and education as an embodied spirit. This is the real beauty of the human person. The possibility of its becoming a new creation after misdeeds and wrongdoings.‎ By assuming a human nature, God in Jesus, assured this possibility.

This is the reason why the Church is against capital punishment or death penalty. Judicial and extra-judicial killing violates this mysterious plan of the Creator. But to the secular mind and unspiritual mentality this is nonsense and absurd.

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