Transfiguration editorial cartoon

The Feast of Transfiguration

Transfiguration editorial cartoonAs Jesus manifested His glory to His disciples, we also get a glimpse of our future when we possess Him fully in heaven. Here on earth, by means of grace, also a gesture of encouragement by the Holy Spirit, we can already possess Him in advance for He is present in His Church; He lives in us.

His transfiguration is meant to strengthen His disciples. Similarly, it reminds us of the encounter of the dazzling light of the risen Lord when Saul set out to persecute Christians in Damascus. Saul then became Paul, subsequently became an ardent gospel preacher in his journeys to distant lands. Grace abounds. We only need to do an act of faith, that is, total dependence on Jesus with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in His Church. There are many other encounters in history when Jesus manifested Himself to individuals especially to the saints which resulted in a profound transformation. We cannot help but ponder the words of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman, “If only you knew the gift of God.” The woman went about proclaiming her newfound joy and freedom. No wonder, Peter hurriedly wanted to pitch tents to prolong the experience of heaven – always possible, advanced to us by grace.

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