Split Church

Surely no one can deny, as has happened in the early Church, there is some division in our Church now. As Jesus would say it, “An evil hand has done this” (Mt. 13:28). The main cause, of course is the spread of wrong ideas. That is where evil sprouts. They say they are for Christ yet their deeds are deeds of anger and impatience and greed (cf. Mt. 23:23-39).

All that deception though is made through use of high-sounding words yet devoid of true meaning, or meaning just the opposite of Christ’s sublime example of love and forgiveness. They talk of justice, yet murder is in their hearts. Talk of sharing, yet it is greed after all. “It is a happier thing to give than to receive” says the Lord (Acts 20:35).

It has happened through the centuries. Within the Church came heresies, which great Saints fought against. And here now within our midst is the heresy of the greed for power and transitory things proposed in so many attractive names. Many are caught in its web, thinking to be in the right. Yet how tragic. A little knowledge is very dangerous. Study history. Those who forget history will repeat its mistakes. As ever truth’s role is to be divided from error and falsity (cf. Lk. 122:51).

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