The coming of the consoler

Such great love has Jesus shown to us in the Paschal (Easter) mystery and in his continuing discourse that tells of his desire to dwell within us, and in him, the Father too, since we have shown our love by keeping his commandments (cf. Jn 14:21). To help us deepen our relationship of love, Jesus promises the Consoler—the Helper, the Paraclete—to be with us forever. “I shall ask the Father, and he will give you another Paraclete to be with you forever, the Spirit of truth whom the world can never accept since it neither sees nor knows him; but you know him, because he is with you, he is in you” (Jn 14:16-17).

We may ask ourselves: Shall I turn away because this revelation is too hard for me to understand? Will I be able to withstand this divine relationship? Am I worthy of this love when I have fallen to sinful pride and thought more of my self-interest rather than selflessly sharing myself for the good of others? Will God forgive me for not having lived up to all his commandments? Am I willing to change and give more time for prayer to strengthen my love relationship with Jesus and the Father?

The relationship of love with the Father is nourished by prayer at different moments of our life—both sad and happy, distressful and joyful. In the silence of our hearts, we lift up our trust to the Lord as we exclaim our Deo Gratias, and “Your will be done” in the Lord’s prayer. Jesus always distanced himself to pray in deep solitude to his loving Father, to keep the intimate connection through prayer, and set an example for us. Following his footsteps, we as children of the Father, ought to pray to him. The Father is love and his love takes us to the love of our brothers and sisters.

Jesus promises the Consoler or Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth who stays with us to protect us from the world’s deceiving expressions of love so we will stay united in with the Father and the Son. As Consoler, he will not leave us alone but will lead us to walk in the Light of Truth of the Word and Love ever true. May we remain open to his coming and to life’s trials that beckon us to live in the love that the Sacrificial Lamb has shown us. Let us ask Mary, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit to journey with us as she, the Lord’s obedient handmaid, reminds us to “do whatever He tells you” (cf. Jn 2:5).

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