Keep watch as living stones in God’s household

The Lord has intended each one of us, members of His household, the Church, to be aware of our God-given tasks in the building of the Body of Christ. To each person He has entrusted the needed gifts and talents to complete the mission of Jesus in the overall plan of salvation. It may be said that the Creator has invested His gifts in each person for these to be used ‘profitably’ for the good of all, in the spirit of fraternal generosity. In the end, we will be judged on how faithful we have been in the service of others, through the efforts to share the blessings the Lord has given us, as if it were Christ Himself acting in each person.

This responsibility brings to mind the example of St. Peter, ‘the rock on which Christ has built His Church’ (Mt 16:18), who continues to lead us all through his successors, the previous popes and the present one—Pope Francis. Peter himself understood the implication of his leadership, and often responded in the name of the apostles. This papal primacy stands out in the pope’s custody of Divine Truth, and of universal communion as one body in Christ. More so is this significant in the celebration of the Year of the Parish as a communion of communities. Salvation is worked communally, first in our personal communion with God, and secondly, in translating our love for God into charity, or selfless love of neighbor. This is the golden rule, as Jesus has taught: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Having God as foundation, this love will be sincere, without any guise of hypocrisy.

However, Jesus warns us to keep a watchful eye and “stay awake!” (Mt 24:42). Vigilance remains our defense in times of terror because the powers of darkness are just waiting for the opportunity to sow danger and death to goodness. Nobody really knows the future, but together we can prepare for a better future, a life shining with true peace and harmony, and basic respect for human life. As baptized Christians, we have committed ourselves to be the hands and feet of Jesus, bearing the Good News in a mission within, and without the boundaries of our home, neighborhood and community. Our part is to live the faith, trusting fully in the help of the Spirit, who will supply the needed courage to keep on at the end, just as the holy men and women have shown through their heroic lives, or as ‘martyrs of divine love.’ “My help comes from Yahweh who made heaven and earth. Yahweh guards you from all harm, henceforth and forever” (Ps 21).

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