A Challenge to the Millennials

The youth of today or the so called millennials are the new generation who are born in the midst of the great technology boom. Hence, they were also referred to as “digital natives”, this is according to Mr. Ricardo Rubio Santos, author of Personal Development, a text book for Senior High School students.

Mr. Santos further said that the social lives of the millennials are driven by technology and their social interactions are dictated by their use of social networks, mobile phones and other gadgets. Amidst all of these, he said that the Filipino adolescents need to learn in terms of developmental tasks and skills in order for them to grow into well-rounded young adults. Let me share with you some list of developmental task and skills that the millennials are challenged for them to acquire as discussed in Mr. Santos’ book:

  1. Being courageous in standing up and being different from your friends. Being courageous means learning to say “No” to what one thinks is going against his or her belief and values system even if this would mean rejection by the group.
  2. Developing self-esteem. Learn to understand, accept, and appreciate oneself as a unique person.
  3. Being true to yourself and avoiding the tendency to please others. Conformity often occurs during this stage of development. By developing one’s self-esteem, the need for approval from others become less.
  4. Learning how media and advertising are trying to influence your thinking and feelings. Understand that news is reported for a reason, usually to serve the purpose of someone or some organization.
  5. Becoming aware, critical, and being involved with social issues. Ask questions and speak up whenever possible to address social issues such as poverty and corruption.
  6. Embracing a healthy lifestyle. Becoming aware of your health and the food you eat, and engaging in sports and other physical activities beneficial to your well-being. Learn to relax.
  7. Developing your spirituality. Finding what gives meaning to your life and to all the experiences you are going through.

On another note, as reported on the Vatican Radio, Pope Francis has sent a video message to the youth of Canada (which is also applicable to the Filipino millennials) who were gathered for the preparation of the Synod of Bishop for 2018 last October 23, 2017 and invited the youth to build bridges through social communications without letting their youthful enthusiasm for the Gospel be snuffed out. He invited them to use new channels of communication positively and not to let them be ruined by those bent only by exploiting and destroying them. Furthermore, the Holy Father invited the youth to open themselves to Christ. “Let him speak to you, embrace you, console you, heal your wounds, dissolve your doubts and fears. Thus, you will be ready for the fascinating adventure of life.” Jesus, he said, “is with you and awaits from you a resounding, ‘Here I am’.”

The above words of Pope Francis are a great challenge to the millennials. With the support of their parents, guardians, elders in the church and mentors hopefully they will be able to live meaningfully despite the many worldly distractions they are encountering in this generation.

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