A Revival

The festivals of “Santacruzan” and the “Flores de Mayo” during the month of MAY have so far been dominated by the recently-concluded election hoopla. With a few days left, perhaps it is a good time to reflect on the real religious significance of the festive “Flores de Mayo” and the usually fashionable “Santacruzan”.

“Santacruzan” commemorates the finding of Jesus Christ’s cross by Reyna Elena, the mother of Emperor Constantine. This should remind us that the “cross” , in many ways, is the center of our faith. It represents the Holy Trinity — the Father giving up the suffering Son in the Holy Spirit. It is on the cross that the whole story of Salvation was fulfilled. The cross is the symbol of our Christianity.

On the other hand, “Flores de Mayo” is a festival held in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary where flowers are offered and the rosary prayed in her honor.

Unfortunately, we have focused on the pageantry and the festivities, the fund-raising, the parade, the fashion show and we have all missed out on the true meaning and significance of these religious traditions.

A revival of the true religious significance of these occasions will make our celebrations more meaningful.

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