DCHerald engages in social media

Recognizing the power of social media in proclaiming God’s Word, the Davao Catholic Herald, Asia’s longest-running Catholic newspaper has opened its own Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Davao Catholic Herald Official is the Facebook page while @dcherald is the Twitter name of Davao’s archdiocesan newspaper.

The Social Media team maintains the said accounts where users can follow and look at the tweets and posts in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The team is on its ongoing planning and meetings to discuss how DCHerald can improve its use of social media in reaching to the people especially the Catholic faithful.

Tweets from Pope Francis are retweeted by DCHerald as well as information coming from different news agencies like the Vatican can also be accessed through FB and Twitter.

In this age of technology and social media, DCHerald promises to communicate Truth and Peace not only to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Davao and the entire Davao region, but also to the different parts of the world who access the Internet.

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