If it is not from God then it will not last longer

The BASIC ECCLESSIAL COMMUNITY (BEC) located at University of Southeastern Philippines has a devotion to the Holy Eucharist and to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The regular mass is every Wednesday in honor to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Students encounter many trials, struggles in study and adjusting to new environment for the freshmen but of course most of the time economic challenge is the main reason why some students experience mental depression. In Psychology there are five human dimensions but I consider the physical and spiritual dimensions as more important. The duty of this community is to cater to the spiritual aspects of a person in order have a healthy spiritual lifestyle, that very soon with God’s blessing one will be graduate equipped not only with academic but also in spiritual gifts.

There are three other organizations under the BEC and they are Young Flames of Jesus (YFJ), Youth For Christ (YFC) and lastly the Catholic Faith Defenders Inc. (CFD). They have different charisma in serving the Lord. It is what St. Paul says ” Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12). Since this community was established as early in 1990s, it produces many graduates who return to their respective places with good moral values that they learn in our catechisms. It promotes Christian values and other teachings of the Catholic Church.

They learn charitable works (corporal acts of mercy) to our less-fortunate brothers and sisters down the street. But we are also thankful to the Sacred Heart Parish, Obrero for their support under Mgr. Paul Cuizon and Rev. Fr. Russel Bantiles, DCD., PhD.

The community has a regular meeting and schedule of all activities including; seminars and fellowships to enhance camaraderie to all members spearheaded by the BEC and to have a bond of friendships, then the CFD will conduct catechisms to study the Catholic faith and values that every catholic faithful must know. This is our way to evangelize the Church founded by Jesus.

By Jeffrey Paloga/Contributor

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