Our Father, Our Creator

The Holy Sacrifice of the mass is offered to our FATHER and our prayer is directed to HIM especially the Lords’ prayer. Do we believe – know, love and serve – the FATHER? Do we picture the FATHER as a frightening old man and unapproachable? Remember the FATHER is neither older nor younger than Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

In the beginning there was nothing, not the world, nature or matter; only the FATHER. He decided to create (Sir 43:3-10) and He created the light, the days, the lower creatures and finally, God’s masterpiece – man an exact resemblance of HIM.

It took 6 days for the FATHER to prepare the earth to welcome humans. On the 7th day FATHER rested not out of exhaustion but probably wanted to see HIS creation at a distance.

The FATHER chose prophets so that men may be kept abreast as to HIS desire to be known, to be honored and to be loved. Evil grew instead and the FATHER reproved them and took them away from their vices, sent calamities to purify them thru suffering, destruction of their possession and even death. So the FATHER’s love did not cease. He sent HIS son who was not welcomed but was cruelly treated and who was brought to HIS end by crucifixion.
Due to his love for men, the FATHER offered Himself for reconciliation. God loves us, His Children are of great value to HIM. Jesus’ death is the measure of our worth to the FATHER.

In Him, we live, we move and have our being. He has the capability to hold the entire universe due to His omnipresence. The FATHER has no beginning and no end. He doesn’t move in sequence. He is eternity who doesn’t change so He is one Who is, Who was, Who is to come. “He is a jealous God”. So prioritize HIM at all time which He rightly deserves.

Deep within the recesses of the soul is a quite spot where only GOD our FATHER can reside all were born w/ this tabernacle design by GOD our FATHER.it has been buried and covered w/ the destruction of the world, to uncover the secret place say “ I LOVE YOU FATHER AND I GAVE MY SELF TO YOU”

By P.I. Timbol/Contributor

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