The Life Space of Man and Animals

(Part 4 of 4)

Why are we called Christians?
The very simple and basic answer we know is because we are followers of Christ. One can not be a Christian if he is not. But reality is that, there are many of us who call ourselves Christians but do not live out our Christian values.
Holiness is not only for those who serve the Church as priests or pastors, or religious. Every Christian is called to be holy. Jesus shows us that it is possible to be human and divine at the same time. The lives of saints give support to Jesus’ example that it is possible for us humans to live a holy life.
How do we put into practice our Christian values> to be Christian is to live out our life in the spirit of chastity, obedience, and poverty.
To be chaste in the midst of the various and subtle worldly temptations is a great challenge. In today’s world there is so much emphasis on sex. There is a growing trend among young people towards promiscuity or sexual permissiveness. It is a trend that is perpetuated by people whose mentality is worldly. Chastity, however, is not only limited to sexual matters. We are invited to be chaste in our thoughts, words, and actions, that is, to be kind, gentle and loving to strangers and friends alike. That way we can help build the kingdom of God by building and supporting others.
What is God’s will for me? This is a question that we can ask ourselves. God’s will for man is to be happy. And to be happy is to be in union with God. To be in union with God is to follow His command, which is to love God above all else and to love our fellowmen. We cannot love God or our neighbor if we don’t have love, for which God is the giver, the enabler. So how can I obey God? First I will have to ask Him to give me the grace to love. Therefore, to live my life in the spirit of obedience is only possible when I know God and love Him. I obey Him because I know Him and I love Him.
Anywhere you look today, you will see the pervasive spirit of materialism. What is it? It is the obsession for material things. The more possession you have the better you look or the higher your value. That is what the spirit of materialism is trying to tell people. But it is not by bread alone that man lives. What good does wealth have if one losses his soul? Or if one builds a storehouse for all his material possessions today and then dies the next day? Foolishness! That’s just utter foolishness. Christians are encouraged to review what they can value. And that is only possible when we do not allow things to possess us and find deeper meaning in the simplicity of Christian living.
Why are we called Christians?
We are called Christians because Christ whom we follow lived his life of holiness in the spirit of chastity, obedience to His Father (even unto death on the Cross), and poverty (though He was God but He did not deem equality with God).

Nena S. Quijano

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