“Faith in the midst of ruins”

“Faith in the midst of ruins” was how The Philippine Daily Inquirer put its headline the day after a 7.2-magnitude hit Central Visayas and left severe damages in Bohol and Cebu. The news focused on two statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary that stood “without any blemish—amid the ruins of two churches in Maribojoc and Loon towns”.

“It was enough for residents to raise their hopes that life will get better”, the news said. It could not be better said!

Truly, God can write straight with crooked lines! God is so powerful and so wise, He could even allow natural calamities to happen knowing He can get some good out of them.
Just as in the Book of Genesis, when the first devastation in human history took place – the moral devastation of sin – and everything that God gave man seemed ruined (preternatural gifts, original holiness and justice), God did not abandon man. Instead, He promised redemption and restoration through a woman – the Woman (See CCC, no. 385-412).

So it is in Bohol and Cebu today! God does not abandon His children. He promises them restoration of their livelihood, rebuilding of their homes, and reestablishment of their lives. And, I believe, God does it through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I also saw on TV one image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus unscathed despite the rubbles. Immediately, what dawned on me was the message that despite the fact that everything around us collapses, God remains our refuge and strength. At times, God allows the downfall of the things that we consider our security and shelter in life so that we may trust in Him alone.
Indeed, “Faith in the midst of ruins” is not only a fitting description of the plight of our brothers and sisters in Central Visayas. It could also be an appropriate call for Filipinos all over the country and abroad. The earthquake and ruins in Bohol and Cebu can also be figurative of the political and moral “earthquakes” and “ruins” that our country is experiencing today with the “pork barrel” scam and other corrupt practices.

Amidst all these, let us raise the eyes of our faith and look for the image of Our Lady, our Blessed Mother. Her motherly assistance and intercession would be enough hope for us that life will get better.

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