Pope Francis on Corruption

Our new Pope Francis who is known for being pro-poor is also solid hard against the corrupt. In his sermons, he lashed out at those who give to the church but who steal from the public. His formula for punishment, citing the passage from the Bible, is to tie a stone around their necks and throw them into the water to die. Simple.
BAD DREAM —The nation just went through tragic moments with two (2) women , “Ma’am Janet” (in government) and “Yolanda” (in the Visayas). Not to be outdone, we had the men too bringing misery, “Pablo” (Davao Oriental & COMVAL), “Sendong” (Cagayan de Oro) and “Malik” (Zamboanga).
On top of these, we had the Bohol earthquake, then the Sabah issue and our tiff with China over territorial waters. The 3-year old Hongkong hostage incident is still haunting us. Plus the ongoing problem of our OFWs in Saudi Arabia.
It’s been a bad dream all along. Please wake me up!
TOO LITTLE? — I read this line somewhere: “We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much and pray too little”. How true.
ROAD REPAIRS —It’s no longer a good ride travelling southward nowadays. The road repairs and widening are everywhere. Due to the numerous 40-footer vans hauling products and goods now traversing this highway, the roads must be at least 4 lanes. I used to reach Digos City from Davao City in one hour on a regular ride. Today, travel time can double.
“KIDNEY PRIEST” — I spent my holidays in our hometown in Guihing in the south. FATHER JADE CALUMPONG is our parish priest there. Unknown to many, he had a kidney transplant 6 years ago after a near-fatal motorcycle accident while serving in Sulop town. To this day, Father Jade continues his passion in the service of his parishioners. He said it was BISHOP JIMMY AFABLE who worked things out for his transplant. And he has to get regular medication and maintain a strict diet regimen. God is good!

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