Ablaze, Alive in God’s Light

I am the light of the world, whoever follows me shall never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” -John 8:12.

Everyday things and occurrences are not always inherently good or bad. However, the way we see them changes things. If we look at things the way God looks at everyone, we can see things in a whole new light. Paulinians all over the world are recognized as simple, humble, intelligent, honest citizens.

We have been guided since our first day as Paulinians by our teachers and sisters, who have become the pillars to our community and our society. We are nurtured in the standards of Paulinian schools to become the voice of Christ. We are given tongues to speak the truth and the word of God for we are all instruments of the Lord. From our school, to our home, to our community, we can change the hearts and minds of others, for even just a small spark, can start a wildfire.

Paulinians, let our hearts ignite by our faith in the lord. Let us stand for what we believe in. Let our voices exclaim and our echoes be heard. May we keep the fire burning through our passion and love for Christ. Let us follow him, and ablaze in the light of life!

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