FEAST of THE ASSUMPTION Contemplating Mary in Heavenly Glory

On November 1, 1950, venerable Pope Pius XII, in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, proclaimed infallibly as Dogma of the Catholic faith that “the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary,having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly Glory” (44), with the supporting proofs and considerations of the holy Fathers based upon the Sacred Writings as their ultimate foundation (38).

Marked as a Holy Day of Obligation and considered one of the most joyful of our liturgical Solemnities, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 15. It is Mary’s birth in heaven and celebration of the triumph of her soul and her body as God welcomes her in His infinite glory.

Having lived in exemplary fidelity and preserved free from all guilt of original sin (Lumen Gentium, n 59), Mary, indeed, never ceases to grow in grace before God. Mary keeps with her a consistent attitude and disposition of self-surrender, exemplary stewardship and unwavering gratitude towards God’s goodness and love.  And though having reached the fullness of perfection, Mary never forgets she is the handmaid of the Lord.

The New Testament is not explicit in its affirmation of Mary’s Assumption but offers a basis for it as it emphasizes the Blessed Virgin Mary’s perfect union with Jesus’ destiny from the time of the Savior’s conception, Mary’s participation in Jesus’ mission, and her association with His redemptive sacrifice that continues after death in Jesus’ heavenly destiny in body and soul. The mystery of the Assumption drives attention to the privilege given to Mary by God, the glorious destiny of Mary’s body and soul as the chosen Mother of God and the glorification of whom Jesus on the Cross gave as Mother to the whole of humanity in the fulfillment of the divine Providence for mankind. St. Pope John Paul II (Catechesis July 9 1997) describes also as one that “proclaims the supernatural destiny and dignity of every human body, called by the Lord to become an instrument of holiness and to share in God’s glory”.

In the reflective words of Pope Benedict XVI (Catechesis August 16, 2006) the Assumption of Mary comforts us spiritually and evokes a mystery which spiritually concerns each of us: “In contemplating Mary in heavenly glory, we understand that the earth is not the definitive homeland for us either, and that if we live with our gaze fixed on eternal goods we will one day share in this same glory and the earth will become more beautiful.Consequently, we must not lose our serenity and peace even amid the thousands of daily difficulties.  The luminous sign of Our Lady taken up into Heaven, shines out even more brightly when sad shadows of suffering and violence seem to loom on the horizon.  We may be sure of it: from on high, Mary follows our footsteps with gentle concern, dispels the gloom in moments of darkness and distress, reassures us with her motherly hand.”

Now, we can clearly see how the Assumption can help us, as pilgrims on this earth, in our vocation to journey on towards heaven.  Mary’s powerful intercessionspeaks of her perfect closeness to God, a perfect Holy Ark who bears the presence of God.  And so, as we venture into life’s crossroads of struggles, choices and decisions brought about by the many distractions and destructive influences of modern society, let us open up ourselves to the fulfillment of God’s plan while remembering in confidence Mary’s words of faith in obedience and utter the same to our dearest Lord God in heaven, “Your will be done…”.

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