
For the young political activists of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s the word ‘conscientization’ referred to the process of touching people’s personal conscience through systematic ‘teach-in’ sessions towards concrete action. The vigorous efforts at these nightly and usually secret activities were massively carried out before, during and after President Marcos proclaimed Martial Law. The teach-ins used social analysis to examine the interlocking agreements of US-Marcos-oligarchy-business-military executives that had caused all the injustices experienced by the people especially the poor.

Some of the activists, now senior citizen formerly known as National Democrats (NATDEMS) and Social Democrats (SOCDEMS), are still around and still trying to touch people’s conscience. Why? There is actually an Unproclaimed Martial Law. We now call their gatherings as the assemblies of the National Transformation Council (NTC). They are public, multi-sectoral and involve thousands of participants from all sectors of society. The injustices have different names but the interlocking systems are the same.

The conscientization process of the 60’ and 70’s ultimately brought about the peaceful revolution of 1986. Will the 2014 NTC assemblies bring about another peaceful revolution? We will see.

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