The Logo

(Part 2 of 2)

The Headword
(Vita consecrata in Ecclesia hodieEvangelium, Prophetia, Spes)
(Consecrated Life in the Church Today
Gospel, Prophecy, Hope.)

The headword provides a further highlighting of the identity and prospective, experience and ideals, grace and journey that consecrated life has lived through and is still living within the Church as people of God, as it journeys together with the different nations and cultures toward the future.

Evangelium: this indicates the fundamental rule of consecrated life, which is the “sequela Christi as taught by the Gospel” (PC 2a). First of all as “a living memorial of Jesus’ way of living and acting” (VC 22), and then as vital wisdom in the light of the multiple counsels that the Lord gave to his disciples (cfLG 42). The Gospel shows the way ahead and is a source of joy (EG 1).

Prophetia: reminds us of the prophetic character of consecrated life, which “takes the shape of a special form of sharing in Christ’s prophetic office, which the Holy Spirit communicates to the whole People of God” (VC 84). This is an authentic prophetic ministry that is born from the Word and is nourished by the Word of God when this is welcomed and lived out in the various circumstances of life. This function is carried out through courageous denunciation and in announcing new ‘visits’ by God; also, “through the exploration of new ways to apply the Gospel in history, in expectation of the coming of God’s Kingdom” (ibid.).

Spes: reminds us of the ultimate fulfillment of the Christian mystery. We are living through an era that is characterized by widespread uncertainties and a lack of projects with a long-term vision: hope is needed in a context of cultural and social fragility, at a time when the horizon is dark because “it often seems that the signs of God’s presence have been lost from sight” (VC 85). Consecrated life is permanently projected toward the eschatology: it witnesses that every hope will eventually have its definite fulfillment, and transforms the waiting “in work and mission, that the Kingdom may become present here and now” (VC 27). As a sign of hope consecrated life needs to be close to people and to show mercy; to be a paradigm of a future free from all kinds of idolatry.

“Encouraged by the charity that the Holy Spirit pours in our hearts” (Rm 5,5) the consecrated persons are therefore called to embrace the universe and to become a memorial of the Trinitarian love, catalysts of communion and unity, praying sentries on the peak of history, and to become one with humanity in its anxieties and in its silent search for the Spirit.

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