Children are God’s Gift

Being a parent nowadays is a challenging task. With the advent of new technologies and social media, we parents find it difficult to discipline our children. But we still have to do it because it’s our duty to take care and discipline them. As God entrusted our children to us, we parents are to discipline in love and to teach them to walk in God’s ways. Children on the other hand are expected to respond with respect and obedience. But in most cases… that is not happening nowadays. What is prevalent today is that children takes for granted their parents rules and regulations at home due to too much exposure to the internet, television and other gadgets and gizmos. Most parents also are busy with their job that is why they find it difficult to monitor the activities of their children. With that, children are left alone and lack parental guidance.

Proverbs 22:6 says “Teach a child how he should live, and he will remember it all his life.” How can we parents teach our children if we lack the time? Thus, we should prioritize our children and guide them in the way they should live. We have to put a stop to the pressures of society today. We have to limit our children’s exposure to internet, T.V. and social media. That is so easy to say but very difficult to do. So, what can we do? We have to act now and pray about it. We have to commit ourselves to find time for our children and dedicate our children to God, as Isaiah 59:21 says “And I make a covenant with you: I have given you my power and my teachings to be yours forever, and from now on you are to obey me and teach your children and your descendants to obey me for all times to come.”

By finding time for our children, we would be able to make our presence felt in their lives. Monitoring their activities online is a start. Talking with them about school and other activities outside the home is also important. With that, we can refocus our children’s attention from the internet, T.V. and social media. Hopefully, by doing so we would be able to guide our children in the right path. As parents, we would then become a good steward of God’s gift to us…that is our children. As Psalm 127:3 says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing.” – Bing Orbeta-Robles (for your comments and suggestions you may email me at

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