The Greatest Healer

Health is wealth as they say. We have to take care of our body so that we will not easily become susceptible to any deceases. But is it enough to nourish our body with the right kind of food in order for us to avoid being sick? Others may say that it is enough and some may say it is not. But with the many deceases that proliferates in our society today like Zika fever, AIDS, cancer, dengue just to mention a few, we can say that good nourishment is not enough. Said illnesses can attack even the healthiest body.

With the media hype given to various deceases people become fearful and cautious at the same time. People become fearful that they might be afflicted with a decease that will lead to death at a very inopportune time. Others become cautious and more trusting to God. To trust the Lord with our illnesses is to be like the woman in Matthew 9:20-22 “who had suffered from a severe bleeding for twelve years, came up from behind and touched the edge of his cloak; for she thought, If only to touch his cloak, I will be healed. Jesus turned, saw her and said, Courage, my daughter, your faith has saved you. And from that moment the woman was cured.” If only we have the same faith of that woman, we would be healed immediately.

When we are sick may it be a common flu or any devastating decease, we sometimes self medicate. When it becomes worst that’s the time we consult a doctor and follow the doctor’s advice. After that either we are healed or worst the illness still lingers and we suffer. When all possible measures are done just to get healed and still nothing could alleviate our sickness, sadly that’s the time others turn to God for remedy hoping for divine intervention. There are those that from the moment that they are sick, they already offer to God their sickness believing that He will heal them. In times that the Lord may not answer our prayers for healing, let us dwell on this words from 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 “Three times I prayed to the Lord that it leave me, but He answered, My grace is enough for you; my great strength is revealed in weakness…” By that let us not be discouraged but instead put our trust and hope in the Lord.

May it be in sickness and in health, let us always depend on God, the greatest healer of all. He may heal us or not, God has a reason. Let us find comfort when we are sick on the words of the Lord in Jeremiah 30:17 that says “…I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, says Yahweh.” Likewise, may we ponder on what Psalm 41:4 have to say about God being our healer “The Lord helps him when he gets sick, and heals him of all his ailments.” (Bing Orbeta-Robles)

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