The Holy Cross and St. John Paul II

Sometime in 2003, the then Pope John Paul II was already very sickly he could not pronounce the words well when he talked or even give the blessing. Several critics wondered why he would not give up the papacy since it was quite obvious how the Parkinson’s disease had rendered him almost paralyzed.

The pope would just respond to his critics saying, “I will not step down because Jesus did not come down from the cross”. Towards the last days of his life on earth, St. Pope John Paul II was more intimately identified with the Cross of Christ!

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Sixteen years later, today, as the Philippine Church dedicates this year to the young people, we commemorate that intimacy between the Holy Cross and St. Pope John Paul II. Through the pilgrimage of the Youth Cross and the Blood Relic of this great pope, we intend to encourage the youth to embrace our little crosses in life as these could be God’s way of making us holy.

What a beautiful imagery and a realization that even until now, in heaven, the Great Pope does not “abandon the Cross”; instead, he continues to hold on to it in order to intercede for the Church. No wonder why the common representation of St. John Paul II is that of a pope in a gesture of giving a blessing while clutching his crosier.

The Holy Cross and St. John Paul II, the Great Pope — perfect combination!

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This reflection is occasioned by the visit on July 5 of the Pilgrim Youth Cross and the Blood Relic of St. John Paul II to two local schools in Davao City bearing the same name: the Holy Cross of Davao College and St. John Paul II College of Davao.

The organizers, specifically the Davao Archdiocesan Youth Coordinating Apostolate (DAYCA), under its very able and energetic director Fr. Cristopher Alcayde, deemed it proper that, as these holy pilgrim articles visit the Archdiocese of Davao, these would be venerated by the young people coming from two prominent namesake schools in the city.

It is not just mere coincidence. Besides, under God’s providence there is no such thing as coincidence. With God, everything happens for the right reason, in the right place and time. And the right reason, place and time we find in these two schools!

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Immediately after I received the official communication of the visit, a coordination meeting was called and a detailed plan was sketched with involved personnel and offices of the school. One could sense the enthusiasm and excitement as bright ideas and useful suggestions were raised.

In the morning of the first Friday of the month of July, the Cross and the Relic arrived at HCDC grounds and greeted with utmost veneration. Immediately following the Rite of Acceptance, the whole HCDC community prayed the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross).

In the Holy Eucharist, (which I presided), we adored the Real Presence of Jesus, which completed the whole scenario: Jesus on the Cross with St. John Paul II and the young people of HCDC. It was as if we have brought the whole Church with the Pope alive in the campus of HCDC!

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After the individual veneration, we brought the Cross and the Relic to St. John Paul II College of Davao in Ecoland. The whole school community, together with their ever supportive school administrator and owner, Dr. April B. Evangelista, received the holy articles with joy and reverence.

The students, faculty and staff of SJPIICD once again had an opportunity to know better the person behind the name through a documentary film viewing. Public veneration and a Eucharistic celebration also highlighted the visit.

Indeed, the one-day pilgrim visit of the Holy Cross and the Blood Relic of the Great Pope to these schools may be short. But it was very meaningful and soul-touching!

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I think, if there’s a message that capsulizes the pilgrim visit of the Holy Cross and the Blood Relic of St. John Paul II to the Archdiocese of Davao, especially to the young people of the Holy Cross of Davao College and St. John Paul II College of Davao, it would be this: that every time we are confronted with our little or big crosses in life, we just trust God and, like the Great Pope, say to ourselves “I won’t give up because Jesus did not come down from the Cross!”

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