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Natural Family Planning, A Better Option

Kitty, our four month old female cat has been getting lots of attention from male cats lately. That is why my mother decided to set an appointment with a veterinarian so that Kitty will be neutered. She opted for such because she cannot anymore afford more cats to take care of. Be it as it may, it is quite easy to plan whether you want your pets to have more kittens or not but it is a different story for humans when it comes to planning child birth.

With the pandemic that is Covid-19 we are facing right now, it was predicted that by early 2021 the population will have a growth spurt due to new born babies that might have been conceived during the quarantine. It was reported that aside from food rations that was given by government, birth contraceptives were also provided hoping to control population growth.

We all know that the church and government have different views when it comes to family planning. For us Catholics we promote natural family planning (NFP) methods like the symptoms-based methods, the calendar-based methods, and the breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea method. As explained in Wikipedia, “symptoms-based methods rely on biological signs of fertility, while calendar-based methods estimate the likelihood of fertility based on the length of past menstrual cycles. The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) is a method of avoiding pregnancy based on the natural postpartum infertility that occurs when a woman is amenorrheic and fully breastfeeding. The rules of the method help a woman identify and possibly lengthen her infertile period.

I believe that NFP is a better option and is more pleasing to God. Indeed, married couples practicing NFP is happier and contented as they practice respect, self-control and discipline.

For queries regarding natural family planning methods you may seek the guidance of your OB Gynecologist or visit and inquire in your parish whether they have available counselling on natural family planning methods.

Am sharing with you below A Natural Family Planning Prayer that was posted at Living the Sacrament which is a Catholic NFP Community.

Eternal Father, through Natural Family Planning we have come to appreciate that we should never use another person for our own self-gratification. We pray for an increase in the grace needed to appreciate the sanctity of all human life, and for an increase in the virtues You know we need most. Strengthen our marriage, so that we may be living examples of a chaste and holy marriage for Your greater glory and the salvation of souls, particularly the souls of our (future/possible) children.

The Scriptures are clear that children are a great blessing. The Psalmist declares, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward!” (Psalm 127:3). We know that we are called to be open to life and to raise up children for Your honor and glory in accordance with Your will. However, we know that for serious reasons, the Church permits the spacing of children through the use of Natural Family Planning. Please come into our hearts and fill us with knowledge, prudence, wisdom, grace, and generosity of spirit, so that we may know what You are calling us to do with our fertility at this time.

Lord Jesus, born into a loving and caring human family, we turn to You in this moment of need. You know the desires of our hearts even before we voice them, yet you encourage us to pray in Your Name. Therefore we come to You, asking that You touch our hearts and make known Your Holy Will regarding our family. Led by the Spirit, we submit ourselves humbly to your Church, and we call upon Mary and Joseph to keep us always in communion with You and the will of Your Father. Amen.

“Yes, NFP can be a challenge and a sacrifice at times, and we’re not saying it’s always easy, but that is part of true love–a bit of sacrifice for the beloved.” – Jennifer and John Campbel

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