editorial world mission sunday

Our mission: to help contribute to the betterment of society

editorial world mission sundayIn his recent encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis writes: “the Church, while respecting the autonomy of political life, does not restrict her mission to the private sphere. On the contrary, “she cannot and must not remain on the sidelines” in the building of a better world, or fail to “reawaken the spiritual energy” that can contribute to the betterment of society.”

As we celebrate World Mission Sunday today, the Good News needs to be felt and witnessed more and more in this time of the pandemic. A lot of people are saddened by the death of their loved ones, retrenched from their work, and got stressed from adjusting to the restrictions and protocols brought about by the “new normal”. The loving care of God and his providence through a lot of individuals and institutions, who in their own little ways have given their best to extend help to others, must be made manifest. [DP1]

Let us continue our mission of spreading the Good News by appreciating the good practices than criticizing, by looking for ways on how to help rather than wait to receive help.

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